Tips for dealing with herniated disks


The spinal cord is made of discs, and trauma or other conditions can lead to herniated discs resulting from nerve pressing. The pressed nerves can cause pain, weakness, and numbness on the arms, legs, and back, leading to ongoing chronic pain. The symptoms might be ongoing, thus disrupting your life. Although herniated disc issues might improve without treatment, it would be better to look for experts to fix a herniated disc in Reston who can effectively deal with the conditions. These herniated disc management tips might improve your life.

Rest Frequently

Herniated discs lead to prolonged pain, and it impacts your life negatively; thus, it would be better to rest frequently to reduce its symptoms. Although you can take frequent rests, it should be for a short time, and you should keep moving to avoid stiffening the legs and muscles. Resting relieves the swelling and allows you time to rest, reducing backache, and inflammation which worsens the situation.

Take Medications

Your doctor will recommend a herniated discs doctor who can help overcome the condition. You can take over-the-counter medications to relieve the pain, swelling, and other symptoms. However, if you resort to over-the-counter medications, you should not use them for more than a week. Although over-the-counter medications are self-administered, you should follow the dosage to avoid overdosing.

You Should Engage In Physical Therapy

Physical therapy might improve symptoms related to herniated discs, and physical therapists can guide on the activities which build core strength. You should engage in stretching exercises that keep your muscles flexible. Aerobic exercises like riding the bicycle or walking improve core strength and effectively improve herniated disc. Moreover, you should opt for deep massage, which helps improve the spinal cord reducing herniated disc symptoms. Moreover, you can apply ice and heat over the herniated disc to reduce swelling and inflammation. Ultrasound therapy might also improve the condition, and electric muscle stimulation might help improve the condition.

Opt For Injections

If rest, physical therapy, and medications do not improve your condition, you can opt for injections such as steroids. The epidural injection delivered to the space around the spinal nerve might improve your condition as it brings down the swelling and eases the pain. However, the doctor will use an X-ray or CT scan to inject the steroids into the spinal area. The steroids will block the nerves, giving you the time to treat the underlying condition.

Opt For Surgery

Sometimes you might not need to undergo surgery as it is the last option after taking medications and resting. After surgery, the herniated disc symptoms might reduce a month later, and you would notice the difference. After the herniated disc surgery, you will rest for an extended time to improve your condition after surgery.

Herniated discs can lead to prolonged chronic pain, altering your life, and you should learn how to deal with it as you seek treatments. You can opt for physical therapy, which can improve the condition, take over-the-counter medications which deal with inflammations and swellings. Furthermore, it is better to opt for surgery when suffering from herniated discs as a last resort.

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