Wisdom Teeth Trouble? A Durable Solution


Every year, approximately five million Americans have their wisdom teeth extracted. This quick, outpatient procedure is relatively painless and can help you maintain your oral health. If you seek viable solutions for Wisdom Teeth in Jasper, Advanced Dental Care of East Texas experts have everything it takes to guarantee your recovery. Call the practice or book online to realize optimal dental wellness.

What are Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth imply the final set of permanent teeth to appear. They are found at the very back of your mouth and usually break through the gum line between age 17 and 24.

Wisdom teeth are more prone to become impacted or stuck beneath your gums because they are the last to emerge. If one (or more) wisdom teeth cannot break through your gums, you are more likely to experience more serious oral health issues such as tooth decay, gum disease, and infection.

Does Everyone Need Their Wisdom Teeth Removed?

Some individuals’ wisdom teeth come in without a hitch. Nonetheless, this is uncommon. If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, please contact Advanced Dental Care of East Texas.

· Difficulty opening your mouth.

· Pain or swelling that affects your jaw

· Red, swollen, or bleeding gums

· An unpleasant taste in your mouth

· Bad breath

If you cannot access your wisdom teeth to brush and floss them properly, schedule a consultation promptly

Will I Benefit from Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Dr. Koch performs an oral exam and reviews your dental health history to determine if you are a good fit for wisdom teeth removal. He will then order a series of digital oral X-rays to evaluate the situation and location of your wisdom teeth. If your teeth are affected or do not have enough room to grow in, you will most likely benefit from a tooth extraction procedure.

What Should I Expect During Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Wisdom tooth extraction happens as a quick outpatient procedure that is done under local anesthesia. If you experience dental anxiety or a strong gag reflex, Dr. Koch can put you to sleep with IV sedation.

Dr. Koch will use an elevator to loosen each tooth once the anesthesia has taken effect and you are comfortable. He then uses forceps to extract each tooth. Dr. Koch wraps gauze around each empty socket and transfers you to a recovery room for observation.

After your treatment, Dr. Koch will write you a prescription for pain relievers and antibiotics and send you home with recovery instructions.

What is the Recovery Process Following Wisdom Teeth Removal?

It is normal to experience swelling and extreme sensitivity after wisdom teeth removal. Eat only soft foodstuff for a few days, such as scrambled eggs, soup, or mashed potatoes. Take your medication as directed and refrain from rinsing your mouth or smoking. Within two weeks, your mouth should be fully healed.

Schedule an appointment with Advanced Dental Care of East Texas to discover whether you are a candidate for wisdom teeth removal. Call the providers or use the online scheduling tool to speak with an administrative staff member.

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